Soldiers 3D Models Free Download in various formats such as OBJ FBX STL DAE GLB ready to use for Unity/Blender/Maya/Cinema4D/Autodesk 3ds Max Logo
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Soldiers 3d models

(99 results)  
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 Nazi Soldier
Nazi Soldier commandos, officer, army-man, army, soldier, man, people, human, character
Model's Description:
Nazi Soldier 3D Model. Download Nazi Soldier in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Nazi Soldiers 2 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 10281 polygons.
 10,281 polygons  Download 
 Nazi Soldier
Nazi Soldier commandos, officer, army-man, soldier, army, man, male, people, human, character
Model's Description:
Nazi Soldier 3D Model. Download Nazi Soldier in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Nazi Soldiers 1 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 11266 polygons.
 11,266 polygons  Download 
 Nazi Soldier
Nazi Soldier army-woman, officer, commandos, soldier, army, woman, female, people, human, character
Model's Description:
Nazi Soldier 3D Model. Download Nazi Soldier in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Nazi Soldiers 4 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 15330 polygons.
 15,330 polygons  Download 
 Metroid Soldier
Metroid Soldier robot, mech, fighter, character
Tags:  robot 




Model's Description:
Metroid Soldier 3D Model. Download Metroid Soldier in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Metroid: Other M GF Metroid Soldiers (Old) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 13799 polygons.
 13,799 polygons  Download 
Officer commandos, officer, captain, army-man, army, soldier, man, people, human, character
Model's Description:
Officer 3D Model. Download Officer in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Nazi Soldiers 5 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 9548 polygons.
 9,548 polygons  Download 
 Nazi Soldier
Nazi Soldier commandos, officer, army-man, army, soldier, man, people, human, character
Model's Description:
Nazi Soldier 3D Model. Download Nazi Soldier in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Nazi Soldiers 3 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 11705 polygons.
 11,705 polygons  Download 
Soldier soldier, horseman, man, male, people, human, character
Tags:  soldier 







Model's Description:
Soldier 3D Model. Download Soldier in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Stella Glow Soldiers 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 2010 polygons.
 2,010 polygons  Download 
Soldier toy, cartoon, soldier, man, people, human, character
Tags:  toy 







Model's Description:
Soldier 3D Model. Download Soldier in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Luigi`s Mansion Clockwork Soldiers 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1980 polygons.
 1,980 polygons  Download 
 Soldiers ww1 Russian empi
soldiers ww1 Russian empire world, wwi, empire, soldier, russian, russia, print, uniform, ww1, soldiers, diarama, sculpture, war, royal, 1ww
Model's Description:
Soldiers ww1 Russian empire 3D Model. Download soldiers ww1 Russian empire in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Soldiers ww1 Russian. The format STL. Model for printing on a 3d printer 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 840320 polygons.
 840,320 polygons  Download 
 Sanzhi UFO house
Sanzhi UFO house taiwan, resort, futuro, pininfarina, futuristic, plastic, sanzhi, venturo, suuronen
Model's Description:
Sanzhi UFO house 3D Model. Download Sanzhi UFO house in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Designed in 1978 as a resort area in New Tapei (Taiwan) for american soldiers serving in Asia, the project stopped before completition in 1980, and rot for the next 30 years, before demolition started in late 2008. It had been a minor attraction for the 3 decades of its existence and it included a few Futuros and Venturos (CF45) houses. The concept car displayed here is a low poly versions of the Pininfarina-X and an OSI FilverFox Here’s something you can achieve if you render the model in Blender (additional vegetation not included in sketchfab) - Sanzhi UFO house - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Alban de JERPHANION (@alban.dejerphanion) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 507410 polygons.
 507,410 polygons  Download 
 Arisaka Type 99
Arisaka Type 99 world, japan, empire, shoot, 99, sun, dirty, type, fire, old, machine, 2, sniper, the, second, rising, arisaka, scratched, substance, painter, weapon, photoshop, 3dsmax, gun, war, of, japanese
Model's Description:
Arisaka Type 99 3D Model. Download Arisaka Type 99 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
This is a 3d model of a gun called “Arisaka”. This weapon was used by Japanese soldiers during World War 2. There were plenty of types of this gun but i decided to model “Type 99”. This work helped me practising modeling, unwrapping and texturing a “game-ready” weapon. A tutorial by Tim Bergholz inspired me to do this project! - Arisaka Type 99 - 3D model by aleksandarpaskas 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 44260 polygons.
 44,260 polygons  Download 
 Ceremonial military unifo
Ceremonial military uniform and helmet  (1780) armour, ancient, china, quing, photogrammetry
Model's Description:
Ceremonial military uniform and helmet (1780) 3D Model. Download Ceremonial military uniform and helmet (1780) in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Photogrammetry model of ceremonial helmet and armour (year 1780 to 1820) from Qing dynasty at British Museum. The helmet is conical in shape. A Tibetan influence is visible in the graphs applied to the rim of the helmet. Armour - velvet, silk and brocade reinforced with gilded copper alloy studs and lamellae. The sloping vent at the back allows the wearer to mount a horse. Made of silver, copper alloy, velvet, silk and brocade. Qing soldiers and guards came from many different cultures and countries, and included Manchus, Han Chinese, Mongols, Koreans, Uighurs, Tibetans and Russians. They were organized in groups called Banners. Workshops in Hangzhou and Suzhou manufactured uniforms for the Qing court, with guards of different ranks clearly distinguished from one another Qing dynasty, 1780–1820 Hangzhou or Suzhou - Ceremonial military uniform and helmet (1780) - 3D model by Raiz (@RaizVR) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 80017 polygons.
 80,017 polygons  Download 
 Tank crew usa
tank crew usa world, rifle, us, ww2, soldier, figure, wwii, miniature, thompson, abrams, sherman, crew, tank, second, soldiers, 2ww, man, usa, sculpture, war
Model's Description:
Tank crew usa 3D Model. Download tank crew usa in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Tank crew usa ww2.The format STL. Model for printing on a 3d printer 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1378282 polygons.
 1,378,282 polygons  Download 
 Van Hippie Pack
Van Hippie Pack dae, truck, toy, roll, van, textures, road, unreal, fortune, love, obj, graffiti, peace, toyota, fbx, town, print, old, vehiculo, ba, soldiers, uvmapped, drawings, woodstock, 69, rocknroll, substance, painter, unity, game, 3d, blender, pbr, model, car, street, rock, village
Model's Description:
Van Hippie Pack 3D Model. Download Van Hippie Pack in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Models with few polygons, good for games. One texture with drawings and one without. In additional download .dae .fbx .obj 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 23398 polygons.
 23,398 polygons  Download 
 Monument to the Soldiers
Monument to the Soldiers of Epirus , Kalpaki monument, university, greece, statue, hellas, epirus, ioannina, uoi, cgrg, fudos, batsilas, kalpaki, fountos, mpatsilas, photogrammetry
Model's Description:
Monument to the Soldiers of Epirus , Kalpaki 3D Model. Download Monument to the Soldiers of Epirus in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
This model captured as a part of CGRG lab in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at University of Ioannina. Supervised by Ioannis Fudos. Captured and reconstructed by Konstantinos Batsilas. This is a monument dedicated to the Greek soldiers that was fighting in the Greek-Italian war of 1940-1941 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 398025 polygons.
 398,025 polygons  Download 
 automobile, ww2, soldier, german, wwii, wehrmacht, print, soldiers, 2ww, 901, afrika, korps, deutsch, horch, wermaht, dak, rommel, vehicle, car, war
Model's Description:
3D Model. Download in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1223021 polygons.
 1,223,021 polygons  Download 
 rifle, us, ww2, soldier, figure, army, wwii, miniature, thompson, attack, garand, battle, soldiers, 2ww, man, military, usa, sculpture, war, graese
Model's Description:
3D Model. Download in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1184288 polygons.
 1,184,288 polygons  Download 
 The kuomintang nationalis
The kuomintang nationalist army officer fighter commander, army, captain, uniform, the, soldiers, nationalist, character, man, military, of, kuomintang
Model's Description:
The kuomintang nationalist army officer fighter 3D Model. Download The kuomintang nationalist army officer fighter in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Model plane number is moderate, with a normal map, in detail on the basis of the low number of control in , There are too many people on the scene would not card, a map, with binding can mobilize = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Other works ~ welcome to visit my home page - The kuomintang nationalist army officer fighter - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by mpc199075 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 81864 polygons.
 81,864 polygons  Download 
 Heads german soldiers
heads german soldiers commander, ww2, german, germany, officer, statue, head, second, soldiers, 2ww, deutsch, helmet, man, sculpture, war
Model's Description:
Heads german soldiers 3D Model. Download heads german soldiers in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
The format is OBJ, STL, Zbrush. Model for printing on a 3d printer 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 698469 polygons.
 698,469 polygons  Download 
 Soldiers WW2 Russia
soldiers WW2 Russia commander, world, red, ww2, soldier, army, wwii, attack, russia, officer, miniatures, figurines, crew, print, tank, ussr, soldiers, 2ww, rkka, sculpture, war
Model's Description:
Soldiers WW2 Russia 3D Model. Download soldiers WW2 Russia in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Soldiers WW2 Russia. Scales 16/1 .The format is OBJ, STL, Zbrush. Model for printing on a 3d printer 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1558026 polygons.
 1,558,026 polygons  Download 
Kriegerdenkmal christ, statue, war-memorial
Tags:  christ 



Model's Description:
Kriegerdenkmal 3D Model. Download Kriegerdenkmal in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
War memorial at the cemetery of Wulzeshofen. The soldiers’ memorial commemorates the victims of the two world wars. On a pedestal with the dead and missing is a statue of Christ 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 589018 polygons.
 589,018 polygons  Download 
 Death trooper || Rogue On
Death trooper || Rogue One: A Star Wars Story rogueone, deathtrooper, starwars
Model's Description:
Death trooper || Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 3D Model. Download Death trooper || Rogue One: A Star Wars Story in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
DEATH TROOPERS Death troopers, also known as death soldiers, were an elite variant of stormtroopers specializing in stealth, espionage and lethality that served the Galactic Empire. Operating under Imperial Intelligence, they acted as a protective detail for significant Imperial officers and members of the Tarkin Initiative, as well as special-assignment commandos. They wore black suits of body armor and specialized helmets with vocal scramblers, micro-motion sensors, and heads-up displays with data on enemy and friendly positions on the battlefield. Death troopers were trained in unarmed combat, heavy weapons, demolitions, improvised weaponry, guerrilla warfare, and marksmanship. Experts at covering their tracks, death troopers left little to no evidence of their missions. Identifiable by their distinct black armor, death troopers struck fear in the heart of anyone who crossed the Empire 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 66575 polygons.
 66,575 polygons  Download 
 Hunter-Killer Terminator
Hunter-Killer Terminator future, hunter, terminator, killer, machine, destroyed, futuristic-vehicle, vehicle-military, military, futuristic, robot
Model's Description:
Hunter-Killer Terminator 3D Model. Download Hunter-Killer Terminator in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
A Hunter-Killer (HK) is an artificially intelligent autonomous war machine, including robot and android, designed and built in automated factories. They comprise the majority of the soldiers in Skynet’s army. Many are similar in overall form to the war machines of today, such as tanks and aircraft, while others are humanoid endoskeletons 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 149730 polygons.
 149,730 polygons  Download 
 Siege at night #MedievalR
Siege at night #MedievalRemixChallenge challenge, medieval, siege, medievalremixchallenge, lowpoly, dragon
Model's Description:
Siege at night #MedievalRemixChallenge 3D Model. Download Siege at night #MedievalRemixChallenge in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Hey, this is my final entry for the #medievalremixchallenge Enjoy Can´t credit the names of all the objects, because they are to many. Thanks to: Meee - Archer Carrigan Raketic - General´s Tent Inuciian - Cobblestone 1-3, Well, Bucket VitSh - Castel Main Part proxy_doug - Golem NomadKing - Chainloop, Chain Base PRISM - Dragon marti3D - Target BlackSpire - All tiles of the Castle, all Towers, all Siege Wapons, all Houses, the Ground, Ladder, Bushes, Trees, Campfire, all attacking Soldiers, Woodwall and the normal Tents - Siege at night #MedievalRemixChallenge - Download Free 3D model by Dyson (@dysonson) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 531962 polygons.
 531,962 polygons  Download 
 (50 Follower Special) Hum
(50 Follower Special) Human | UA & GE soldiers soldier, uniform, ukraine, human, war
Tags:  soldier 





Model's Description:
(50 Follower Special) Human | UA & GE soldiers 3D Model. Download (50 Follower Special) Human | UA & GE soldiers in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Rigged low poly Human model with Ukrainian and Georgian uniforms - (50 Follower Special) Human | UA & GE soldiers - Download Free 3D model by Sellpet 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 15022 polygons.
 15,022 polygons  Download 
 American soldiers ww2
American soldiers ww2 us, ww2, soldier, figure, army, wwii, miniature, m3, thompson, american, garand, officer, print, soldiers, 2ww, usa, war, graese
Tags:  us 


















Model's Description:
American soldiers ww2 3D Model. Download American soldiers ww2 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
American soldiers ww2 The format is OBJ, STL, Zbrush. Model for printing on a 3d printer 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1650366 polygons.
 1,650,366 polygons  Download 
 German soldiers
German soldiers world, winter, ww2, soldier, german, wwii, attack, wehrmacht, officer, crew, tank, nazi, uniform, second, 2ww, deutsch, fascist, war
Model's Description:
German soldiers 3D Model. Download German soldiers in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
German soldiers .The format is OBJ, STL, Zbrush. Model for printing on a 3d printer. scale 16 - German soldiers - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by (@paydi) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1500040 polygons.
 1,500,040 polygons  Download 
USA SOLDIERS AND CAPTURED world, us, ww2, soldier, german, wwii, america, wehrmacht, officer, uniform, second, soldiers, 2ww, deutsch, captive, surrender, usa, war
Model's Description:
USA SOLDIERS AND CAPTURED 3D Model. Download USA SOLDIERS AND CAPTURED in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
The format is OBJ, STL. Model for printing on a 3d printer. Scale 16 - USA SOLDIERS AND CAPTURED - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by (@paydi) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1190279 polygons.
 1,190,279 polygons  Download 
 Pangeran Diponegoro
Pangeran Diponegoro heroes, indonesian, indonesianheroes, indonesianhistory
Model's Description:
Pangeran Diponegoro 3D Model. Download Pangeran Diponegoro in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Bendara Prince Harya Dipanegara (or commonly known as Prince Diponegoro, 11 November 1785 – 8 January 1855) was a national hero of the Republic of Indonesia, who led the Diponegoro War or the Java War during the period 1825 to 1830 against the Dutch East Indies government. History records that the Diponegoro War or the Java War is known as the war that claimed the most victims in Indonesian history, namely 8,000 victims of Dutch East Indies soldiers, 7,000 natives, and 200 thousand Javanese and material losses of 25 million Gulden 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 262921 polygons.
 262,921 polygons  Download 
 Soldiers WW2 Russia
soldiers WW2 Russia commander, world, red, ww2, soldier, army, wwii, russia, officer, miniatures, figurines, crew, tank, ussr, soldiers, 2ww, rkka, war
Model's Description:
Soldiers WW2 Russia 3D Model. Download soldiers WW2 Russia in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Soldiers WW2 Russia,The format STL. Model for printing on a 3d printer 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 801939 polygons.
 801,939 polygons  Download 
 Soldiers ww1 Russian empi
soldiers ww1 Russian empire world, wwi, empire, soldier, russian, russia, print, uniform, ww1, soldiers, diarama, sculpture, war, royal, 1ww
Model's Description:
Soldiers ww1 Russian empire 3D Model. Download soldiers ww1 Russian empire in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Soldiers ww1 Russian. The format STL. Model for printing on a 3d printer 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 701666 polygons.
 701,666 polygons  Download 
 Stryker Dragoon M1296
Stryker Dragoon M1296 armored, printing, us, m, army, operations, upgrade, carrier, infantry, command, print, printable, soldiers, dragoon, iav, personnel, icv, 3d, vehicle, military, war, tryker, m1296, 1296, m-1296
Model's Description:
Stryker Dragoon M1296 3D Model. Download Stryker Dragoon M1296 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Hi, I’m Frezzy. I am leader of Cgivn studio. We are a team of talented artists working together since 2013. If you want hire me to do 3d model please touch me Thanks you! - Stryker Dragoon M1296 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Frezzy3D 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1257962 polygons.
 1,257,962 polygons  Download 
 Modern soldier aiming on
modern soldier aiming on knee honeybadger 001151 toy, security, miniature, powder, posed, figurine, color, officer, realistic, printable, soldiers, monochrome, strongman, 3dprint, military, cjp, serviceman
Model's Description:
Modern soldier aiming on knee honeybadger 001151 3D Model. Download modern soldier aiming on knee honeybadger 001151 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
We provide unique 3d scanned models with realistic proportions for closeup and medium-distance views in artworks, paintings and classes. As well as architectural visualization projects. Main features: high-end realistic 3d scanned model; realistic proportions; highest quality; low price; saves you time for more time in landscaping and interiors visualization. FEATURES 3d scanned model Extremely clean Edge Loops based smoothable symmetrical professional quality UV map high level of detail high resolution textures real-world scale system unit: cm TEXTURES Textural Resolution: 4096 x 4096 Color Map The model is suitable for stereolithography 3d printing The model is also ready for fullcolour 3d printing - modern soldier aiming on knee honeybadger 001151 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by 3DFarm 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1107214 polygons.
 1,107,214 polygons  Download 
 Mosquito spray
Mosquito spray medicine, science_museum, mosquito_spray
Model's Description:
Mosquito spray 3D Model. Download Mosquito spray in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
This spray can was used to help slow the spread of malaria, a life-threatening disease carried by mosquitoes. The can contained water with particles of a green powder suspended in it. The powder, called Paris green, was very successful at killing mosquito larvae. This spray can was made during World War I (1914-1918), and was probably used by British soldiers. Use our 3D antimosquito spray model in the classroom to bring your curriculum teaching to life: Find out more in the Science Museum Group online collection: - Mosquito spray - Download Free 3D model by Science Museum Group (@sciencemuseum) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 18033 polygons.
 18,033 polygons  Download 
 Military Zombie APOCALYPS
Military Zombie APOCALYPSE Bundle shooter, apocalypse, postapocalyptic, zombies, zombieapocalypse, military-vehicle, cartoon, military, zombie
Model's Description:
Military Zombie APOCALYPSE Bundle 3D Model. Download Military Zombie APOCALYPSE Bundle in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
The Military Zombie APOCALYPSE is the perfect 3D BUNDLE for anyone looking to create an action-packed scene. This pack includes 6 Cartoon Zombie APOCALYPSE characters and Cartoon Military Soldier Characters, Weapons and Vehicles Pack, fully rigged and with Blendshapes included. With this package, you’ll have everything you need to create a dynamic and engaging 3D rendering of characters, zombies and soldiers in full combat mode - without having to go through the effort of creating each character from scratch. Get all of the characters ready to go with this comprehensive bundle - perfect for any artist needing to save time from start-to-finish on their project! Make your art come alive with Military Zombie APOCALYPSE BundleToday! We look forward to your feedback so we can create more assets for YOU! - Military Zombie APOCALYPSE Bundle - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by HayqArt 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 195573 polygons.
 195,573 polygons  Download 
 Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle archeology, castle, historic, sound, laserscanning, scotland, canon, cgi, siege, edinburgh, queen, prison, capital, king, fortress, tatoo, unesco, worldheritage, portcullis, visitscotland, fortress-ancient, photogrammetry, 3d, military, building, 3dmodel, rock, gun, war, historicenvironmentscotland, noai
Model's Description:
Edinburgh Castle 3D Model. Download Edinburgh Castle in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Edinburgh Castle is one of the oldest fortified places in Europe. With a long rich history as a royal residence, military garrison, prison and fortress, it is alive with many exciting tales. When you climb Castle Hill, you will walk in the footsteps of soldiers, kings and queens – and even the odd pirate or two. As well as guarding great moments in history, the castle has suffered many sieges. During the Wars of Independence it changed hands many times. In 1314, the Scots retook the castle from the English in a daring night raid led by Thomas Randolph, nephew of Robert the Bruce. The castle defences have evolved over hundreds of years. Mons Meg, one of the greatest medieval cannons, was given to King James II in 1457. The Half Moon Battery, built in the aftermath of the Lang Siege of 1573, was armed for 200 years by bronze guns known as the Seven Sisters. Six more guns defend the Argyle Battery, with its open outlook to the north. To learn more, go to out website 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 641960 polygons.
 641,960 polygons  Download 
 Russian army leather belt
Russian army leather belt soviet, army, russian, russia, ussr, belt, soviet-army, soviet-union, belts, soviet-military-equipment, military
Model's Description:
Russian army leather belt 3D Model. Download Russian army leather belt in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
This belt is used by soldiers of the Russian army - Russian army leather belt - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Rustam3d 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 6102 polygons.
 6,102 polygons  Download 
 Rohirrim Charge
Rohirrim Charge beast, warrior, soldier, lotr, rider, king, battle, horseman, eon, theoden, rohirrim, character, characters, war, rings
Model's Description:
Rohirrim Charge 3D Model. Download Rohirrim Charge in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
My last fanart inspired by “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. Specifically in the battle of Pelennor. Just after the best speech of a great king to his soldiers, 6000 horsemen charging against a sea of enemies. For me, simply the best film scene ever made. All made from scratch in ZBrush, through Maya, XNormals, and Photoshop 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 237220 polygons.
 237,220 polygons  Download 
 WW1 memorial
WW1 memorial france, heritage, 3dscanning, ww1, tribute, tours, heritage-photogrammetry, photogrammetry
Model's Description:
WW1 memorial 3D Model. Download WW1 memorial in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
A memorial in tribute to the fallen soldiers of the WW1, located in the oldest grayeyard of the city of Tours, cimetière La Salle. I made three 6k video around the monument from different angles, then I picked 120 frames from each of them, finally processing the 360 pics in reality capture. neutral lighting (pics made during cloudy weather) For a 16k texture I pre processed the pics to get better colors, contrast and exposure. Simplified in instantmeshes. Model cleaned in blender check my large collection of statues scans and suscribe for regular free content - WW1 memorial - French tribute - 3D model by 3Dystopia (@Dystopia) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 41011 polygons.
 41,011 polygons  Download 
 India Gate
India Gate india, memorial, new-delhi, first-world-war, edwin-lutyens
Model's Description:
India Gate 3D Model. Download India Gate in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
The India Gate is a war memorial located astride the Rajpath, on the eastern edge of the “ceremonial axis” of New Delhi. It stands as a memorial to 90,000 soldiers of the British Indian Army who died between 1914 and 1921 in the First World War, in France, Flanders, Mesopotamia, Persia, East Africa, Gallipoli and elsewhere in the Near and the Far East, and the Third Anglo-Afghan War. The memorial-gate was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, who was not only the main architect of New Delhi, but also a member of the Imperial War Graves Commission and one of Europe’s foremost designers of war graves and memorials. He designed many memorials in Europe, including the highly regarded Cenotaph in London in 1919, the first national war memorial erected after World War I. The textures have been created in Substance Painter and Designer specifcally for this model to give it a high quality, realistic look 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 13195 polygons.
 13,195 polygons  Download 

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