Model's Description:
Torpedo 3D Model, Optimized by, Fully textured with UV Mapping and materials.
Torpedo in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Torpedo 3D Model is ready to download for free
with 1 Texture files attached, this model contains 204 polygons and 229 vertices.
Model's rating is (3.5) based on 133 Votes.
Download : (5,031 Hits)
Download Setting : * Does Not apply on OBJ format.
Model's Description:
Cartoon Rocket 3D Model.
Download Cartoon Rocket in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
English: I have been 2 weeks without a computer due to technical problems and now that I have recovered it, I wanted to try new styles like cartoon in this case. Also, it will be a good test for 3D printing
Español:He estado 2 semanas sin ordenador por problemas técnicos y ahora que lo he recuperado, me apetecía probar con estilos nuevos como el cartoon en este caso. Además, será una buena prueba para impresión 3D - Cartoon Rocket - Download Free 3D model by PJWorks3d (@pjmartinez712) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 189900 polygons.
Model's Description:
Buk M1 SA-11 Gadfly missile systems 3D Model.
Download Buk M1 SA-11 Gadfly missile systems in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
The Buk is a family of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems developed by the Soviet Union and its successor state, the Russian Federation, and designed to counter cruise missiles, smart bombs, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles. In the Russian A2AD network, Buk is located between the S-200/300/400 systems above and the point defense Tor and Pantsir type systems below.
The Buk-M1 uses the GM-569 chassis designed and produced by JSC Metrowagonmash. The crew compartment provides protection from small arms fire as well as being sealed against NBC attacks. The suspension on either side consists of six dual roadwheels with the drive sprocket at the rear, idler at the front, and four track-return rollers which support the inside of the double-pin track only. The 9K37 SA-11 Gadfly can run at a maximum speed of 65 km/h on a road and 45 km/h on cross-country, with a maximum range of 500 km 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 211925 polygons.
Model's Description:
Geran 2 Drone 3D Model.
Download Geran 2 Drone in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
3D model of Geran 2 drone 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 307082 polygons.
Model's Description:
Starstreak 3D Model.
Download Starstreak in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Starstreak adalah sistem pertahanan udara portabel jarak pendek (MANPADS) dengan tiga submunisi, bimbingan laser, pendorong dua tahap yang diproduksi oleh Thales Air Defense Inggris (sebelumnya Shorts Missile Systems), di Belfast. Ia juga dikenal sebagai Starstreak HVM (Rudal Kecepatan Tinggi). Setelah diluncurkan, rudal berakselerasi hingga lebih dari 4 Mach, menjadikannya rudal permukaan-ke-udara jarak pendek tercepat di dunia 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 286082 polygons.