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  Monbulk Creek trestle bridge 3D Model 2024-03-21
A quick scan of this bridge.. not quite ready to tick it off my list from the Victorian Heritage Database. Apart from its heritage value it's also a popular tourist attraction for photographing the Puffing Billy steam train as it passes over the bridge.

“The Rail Bridge (c. 1890), over Monbulk Creek, Selby is a curved, timber trestle bridge carrying a single narrow gauge track which spans the Monbulk Creek and the Belgrave Emerald Rd. A viewing bay has been constructed for tourists, off Belgrave-Emerald Rd. The bridge is 85 metres long, 12 metres high at its highest point and comprises 14 spans of 6 metres, curved to a radius of 20 metres. The bridge has a tight 3 chain curvature. It was constructed from local, native bush timbers.
Monbulk Creek trestle bridge 360
  Faces :749,999 Textured :Yes (1) Animated :No
  Vertices :383,804 UV Mapping :No License : Royalty Free
Model's Description:
Monbulk Creek trestle bridge 3D Model, Fully textured with UV Mapping and materials.
Download Monbulk Creek trestle bridge in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
A quick scan of this bridge.. not quite ready to tick it off my list from the Victorian Heritage Database. Apart from its heritage value it's also a popular tourist attraction for photographing the Puffing Billy steam train as it passes over the bridge.
“The Rail Bridge (c. 1890), over Monbulk Creek, Selby is a curved, timber trestle bridge carrying a single narrow gauge track which spans the Monbulk Creek and the Belgrave Emerald Rd. A viewing bay has been constructed for tourists, off Belgrave-Emerald Rd. The bridge is 85 metres long, 12 metres high at its highest point and comprises 14 spans of 6 metres, curved to a radius of 20 metres. The bridge has a tight 3 chain curvature. It was constructed from local, native bush timbers. "
(see: https://vhd.heritagecouncil.vic.gov.au/places/10371)
Created in RealityCapture by Capturing Reality from 413 images in 01h:09m:07s 3D Model is ready to download for free with 1 Texture files attached, this model contains 749999 polygons and 383804 vertices.

Model's rating is (3) based on 66 Votes.
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Tags:  realitycapture,
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Model's Description:
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Ten drewniany kościół to najstarszy oryginalny obiekt w lubelskim skansenie. Wybudowano go około 1686 r. Posiada cztery wnętrza: kwadratową nawę, prostokątne węższe prezbiterium, przedsionek i zakrystię. Jest najstarszym zachowanym drewnianym kościołem parafialnym na Lubelszczyźnie, z unikalną w drewnianej architekturze sakralnej lożą kolatorską nad zakrystią. Pierwotnie funkcjonował w Matczynie k. Bełżyc jako wiejski parafialny. Natomiast w sektorze Miasteczko to ekspozycja kościoła parafii tzw. II klasy, wg ówczesnej administracji kościelnej, obejmującej kilka, kilkanaście pobliskich wiosek. Wyposażenie wnętrza przywołuje przełom lat 20. i 30. XX w., z dominującym wystrojem barokowym i późnobarokowym, kształtowanym w okresie od poł. XVIII do poł. XIX w. Obecnie w kościele odprawiane są również okolicznościowo Msze Święte, udzielane sakramenty ślubu i chrztu 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 998824 polygons.
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 149,998 polygons  Download 


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