Model's Description:
ハイビスカス🌺 赤 Hibiscus cv. Red 3D Model.
Download ハイビスカス🌺 赤 Hibiscus cv. Red in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
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Kagoshima, Japan. 種子島.
Plantae 植物界
Angiospermae / Magnoliophyta 被子植物門
malvids アオイ類・真正バラ類II
Malvales アオイ目
Malvaceae アオイ科
Hibiscus フヨウ属
Hibiscus cv. ハイビスカス
花 - ハイビスカス🌺 赤 Hibiscus cv. Red - Download Free 3D model by / (@ffishAsia-and-floraZia) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 487457 polygons.
Model's Description:
ウマノアシガタ Japanese Buttercup, Ranunculus japonicus 3D Model.
Download ウマノアシガタ Japanese Buttercup in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
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★ Lincense, No Credit Display Required😍
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★ クレジット表記不要ライセンス😍
Fukuoka, Japan. 福岡県糸島地域.
Plantae 植物界
Angiospermae / Magnoliophyta 被子植物門
eudicots 真正双子葉類
Ranunculales キンポウゲ目
Ranunculaceae キンポウゲ科
Ranunculus キンポウゲ属
Ranunculus japonicus ウマノアシガタ
花 草花 黄色 - ウマノアシガタ Japanese Buttercup, Ranunculus japonicus - Download Free 3D model by / (@ffishAsia-and-floraZia) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1012216 polygons.
Model's Description:
Seed Germination 3D Model.
Download Seed Germination in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
What is Seed Germination? Seed germination may be defined as the fundamental process by which different plant species grow from a single seed into a plant. This process influences both crop yield and quality. A common example of seed germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 36592 polygons.
Model's Description:
Centriole Structure 3D Model.
Download Centriole Structure in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Centrioles are paired barrel-shaped organelles located in the cytoplasm of animal cells near the nuclear envelope. Centrioles play a role in organizing microtubules that serve as the cell’s skeletal system. They help determine the locations of the nucleus and other organelles within the cell.
Format: FBX, OBJ, MTL, STL, glb, glTF, Blender v3.5.1
Optimized UVs (Non-Overlapping UVs)
PBR Textures | 1024x1024 - 2048x2048 - 4096x4096 | (1K, 2K, 4K - Jpeg)
Base Color (Albedo)
Normal Map
AO Map
Metallic Map
Roughness Map
Height Map
- Centriole Structure - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Nima (@h3ydari96) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 64260 polygons.
Model's Description:
Process Of Seed Germination 3D Model.
Download Process Of Seed Germination in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Process Of Seed Germination
Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed or spore. The term is applied to the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm, the growth of a sporeling from a spore, such as the spores of fungi, ferns, bacteria, and the growth of the pollen tube from the pollen grain of a seed plant.
Format: FBX, OBJ, MTL, STL, glb, glTF, Blender v3.5.1
Optimized UVs (Non-Overlapping UVs).
4k and 2K Maps (PBR) ( Jpeg and Png)
Base Color (Albedo)
Normal Map
AO Map
Metallic Map
Roughness Map
Height Map
- Process Of Seed Germination - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Nima (@h3ydari96) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 93854 polygons.