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  Australopithecus africanus (Taung)(2501.1rp11-2) 3D Model 2023-11-06
Australopithecus africanus 

Location: Taung, South Africa. 

Age: 2.5 million years ago. 

Material: epoxy resin cast.

Dimensions: length, 67 mm; width, 79 mm; height, 87 mm.

Notes: RLA catalog no. 2501.1rp11-2 (cast).  Fossil discovered in 1924 by Raymond Dart.  Cranial facial bones of juvenile approximately 5 years old at death.  Named Taung 1 or Taung Child.  Cast made by Bone Clones, Inc.  From the teaching collection of the Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Model by Aidan Paul 3d model
Australopithecus africanus (Taung)(2501.1rp11-2) 360
  Faces :615,892 Textured :Yes (1) Animated :No
  Vertices :307,946 UV Mapping :No License : Royalty Free
Model's Description:
Australopithecus africanus (Taung)(2501.1rp11-2) 3D Model, Fully textured with UV Mapping and materials.
Download Australopithecus africanus (Taung)(2501.1rp11-2) in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Australopithecus africanus
Location: Taung, South Africa.
Age: 2.5 million years ago.
Material: epoxy resin cast.
Dimensions: length, 67 mm; width, 79 mm; height, 87 mm.
Notes: RLA catalog no. 2501.1rp11-2 (cast). Fossil discovered in 1924 by Raymond Dart. Cranial facial bones of juvenile approximately 5 years old at death. Named Taung 1 or Taung Child. Cast made by Bone Clones, Inc. From the teaching collection of the Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Model by Aidan Paul 3D Model is ready to download for free with 1 Texture files attached, this model contains 615892 polygons and 307946 vertices.

Model's rating is (3) based on 30 Votes.
  Download :   (373 Hits)
Tags:  metashape, agisoft,
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Westfries des Parthenon 9 metashape, agisoft
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Model's Description:
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Der führende Reiter auf dieser Platte hemmt sein Pferd aufgrund des Vorgangs auf Platte 8. Er trägt Chiton und eine hinter seinem Rücken aufflatternde Chlamys. Sein Nachfolger ist ebenfalls mit Chiton und Chlamys bekleidet, sowie einem Petasos, dessen breiter Rand an den Seiten etwas herabhängt 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 1250000 polygons.
 1,250,000 polygons  Download 
 Slot machine
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Model's Description:
Slot machine 3D Model. Download Slot machine in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Liberty Bell 1898 Games of Chance: Gambling Devices of the Mechanical Age - Slot machine - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Mehrnaz (@mehrnaz_a) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 35394 polygons.
 35,394 polygons  Download 
 A binding model of Greek
A binding model of Greek Papyrus 28 greek, papyrus, bookbinding, metashape, agisoft, book
Model's Description:
A binding model of Greek Papyrus 28 3D Model. Download A binding model of Greek Papyrus 28 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Peri palmon mantike (Divination by twitches) Egypt, 4th century AD Greek Papyrus 28 This manuscript is composed of four papyrus sheets, each with four pages of text (two on each side). The four sheets were put one on top of the other, folded and then stitched together. There are remains of sewing thread on some sheets. The subject of the book is prognostications to be derived from involuntary movement (quivering or twitching) of various parts of the body. That such movements portended certain events was a popular belief which finds expression in both Greek and Latin classical literature. The various members of the body are taken one after the other, starting from the head downwards, and the omens associated with their movement are concisely enumerated. After the prognostications, directions are given to pray to or propitiate appropriate divinities 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 182854 polygons.
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Model's Description:
Hexarthrius parryi 3D Model. Download Hexarthrius parryi in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Hexarthrius parryi - 3D model by VirNat 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 499548 polygons.
 499,548 polygons  Download 
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Lowpoly Rocks assets, river, prop, desert, rocks, geology, unreal, realtime, pack, collection, pebble, finistere, props, gravel, realistic, beach, engine, nature, stones, breizh, volcano, minerals, sandstone, bundle, bretagne, granite, kitbash, pebbles, mineralogy, metashape, unity, photogrammetry, asset, game, pbr, lowpoly, scan, 3dscan, stone, "free", "rock", "environment"
Model's Description:
Lowpoly Rocks 3D Model. Download Lowpoly Rocks in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
These assets were generated from scans of various beach pebbles and stones I picked up on the shore in Moguériec, in France. Each prop in this collection is made of 400 triangles, and comes with 256px albedo and normal maps. Feel free to check them on the store here if you ever need more LODs: they come with 6 different Levels Of Detail (from 400 triangles and 256px textures up to 250k triangles and 4096x4096 textures). Otherwise, I’ve previously scanned and/or curated other free packs of lowpoly assets in this collection, do not hesitate to have a look! I’d love to know if you create something cool out of those assets ! - Lowpoly Rocks - Free Download - Download Free 3D model by Loïc Norgeot (@norgeotloic) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 8000 polygons.
 8,000 polygons  Download 
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Model's Description:
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 825,242 polygons  Download 
 Urania ripheus
Urania ripheus metashape, agisoft
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Model's Description:
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 499,782 polygons  Download 


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