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  Motorbike 3D Model 2017-10-09
Canyon Carver Motorcycle 3d model
Motorbike Canyon-Carver 360
  Faces :11,459 Textured :Yes (9) Animated :No
  Vertices :8,914 UV Mapping :Yes License : Royalty Free
Model's Description:
Motorbike 3D Model, Optimized by RigModels.com, Fully textured with UV Mapping and materials.
Download Motorbike in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Canyon Carver Motorcycle 3D Model is ready to download for free with 9 Texture files attached, this model contains 11459 polygons and 8914 vertices.
Model's rating is (4.5) based on 113 Votes.
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Download Setting :  * Does Not apply on OBJ format.


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Tags:  motorbike, bike, motorcycle, motor, cycle, sport, sportive, speed, fast, racing, race,
  Related Models:
Vehicle bike, wheel, bicycle, motor, motorbike, highway, motorcycle, rickshaw, vehicle, environment
Model's Description:
Vehicle 3D Model. Download Vehicle in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Motor vehicles - all parts are movable. It is perfect for racing games, simulators, virtual reality and other projects 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 32460 polygons.
 32,460 polygons  Download 
 Quad Bike 2
Quad Bike 2 bike, quad, bicycle, vehicles, cars, motorbike, motorcycle, bikes, motorsport, 3scan, 2025, game, vehicle, car, free
Model's Description:
Quad Bike 2 3D Model. Download Quad Bike 2 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Low-Poly Quad bike 2 . You can use these models in any game and project. This model is made with order and precision. The color of the body and wheels can be changed. Separated parts (body_wheel steer). Very low poly. Average poly count: 22/000 Tris. Texture size: 128/256 (PNG). Number of textures: 2. Number of materials: 2. Format: fbx, obj, 3d max 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 22884 polygons.
 22,884 polygons  Download 
 Dnepr MT-11 Sidecar Motor
Dnepr MT-11 Sidecar Motorbike bike, transport, motorbike, rusty, motorcycle, gamedev, dirty, damaged, sidecar, cradle, dnepr, blender, vehicle, hardsurface, 3dmodel, gameready, mt11
Model's Description:
Dnepr MT-11 Sidecar Motorbike 3D Model. Download Dnepr MT-11 Sidecar Motorbike in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
From this part of the model I made a cradle as part of a test task for Artmer studio. It was a pity to leave one cradle and so I decided to add a motorcycle to it. Modeling was done in Blender, baking in Marmoset Toolbag, texturing in Substance Painter. You can find renders at my Artstation https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LenNJ5 - Dnepr MT-11 Sidecar Motorbike - 3D model by Valery Kharitonov (@KJLOYH) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 46190 polygons.
 46,190 polygons  Download 
 Yamaha R1 Motorcycle
Yamaha R1 Motorcycle mechanical, yamaha, motorbike, speed, motorcycle, fast, rider, customization, realistic, engine, ue4, unrealengine, r1, supersport, sportbike, highdetail, animated-rigged, vehicle, blender3d, design, racing, gameasset, technology, animation, animated, 3dmodel, textured, rigged, gameready, ue5, mechanicalengineering, bikelife, noai, motorcycleart, slickdesign
Model's Description:
Yamaha R1 Motorcycle 3D Model. Download Yamaha R1 Motorcycle in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Toggle through Animation. The Yamaha R1 Super sport Motorcycle 2015-2021 variant 3D model is a stunning representation of one of Yamaha’s most iconic and high-performance motorcycles. The 3D model is highly detailed and features a realistic rendering baked on a low poly model, engine, wheels, and other components made up of hundreds of thousands of polygons that were all manually placed. Users can easily manipulate the 3D model using the rig attached in .blend and .fbx file format along with two complex .obj files containing the original detailed model. Made out of 250+ unique pieces in high detail to then be baked on a low poly model, which can be used in animation, games and renders cheaply. Included files: 1- Blend and Fbx files containing the rigged model and three animation variants 2- The complex model as an obj file and is also fragmented into pieces 3- texture for ue and pbr pipeline Hope you enjoy it 😊 - Yamaha R1 Motorcycle - Rigged & Animated - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Sam_Kasrawi 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 790128 polygons.
 790,128 polygons  Download 


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