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  Jeanne dArc golden statue 3D Model 2023-11-06
This statue was commissioned by the French government after the defeat of the country in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War. It is the only public commission of the state from 1870 to 1914, called the Golden Age of statuary in Paris, the other statues were funded by private subscriptions.

The sculptor took as his model Aimée Girod (1856–1937), a young woman from Domrémy, Joan of Arc's village in Lorraine. The monument was classified as a historic monument on March 31, 1992.

Data processing by dronesimaging.com
and Agisoft Metashape https://www.dronesimaging.com/agisoft-metashape/ - Jeanne d'Arc golden statue - Paris - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Drones Imaging (@dronesimaging) 3d model
Jeanne dArc golden statue 360
  Faces :912,349 Textured :Yes (2) Animated :No
  Vertices :459,061 UV Mapping :No License : Royalty Free
Model's Description:
Jeanne dArc golden statue 3D Model, Fully textured with UV Mapping and materials.
Download Jeanne dArc golden statue in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
This statue was commissioned by the French government after the defeat of the country in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War. It is the only public commission of the state from 1870 to 1914, called the Golden Age of statuary in Paris, the other statues were funded by private subscriptions.
The sculptor took as his model Aimée Girod (1856–1937), a young woman from Domrémy, Joan of Arc's village in Lorraine. The monument was classified as a historic monument on March 31, 1992.
Data processing by dronesimaging.com
and Agisoft Metashape https://www.dronesimaging.com/agisoft-metashape/ - Jeanne d'Arc golden statue - Paris - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Drones Imaging (@dronesimaging) 3D Model is ready to download for free with 2 Texture files attached, this model contains 912349 polygons and 459061 vertices.

Model's rating is (3) based on 26 Votes.
  Download :   (357 Hits)
Tags:  statue, equestrian, dronesimaging, photoscan, photogrammetry,
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Model's Description:
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Model's Description:
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Model's Description:
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Model's Description:
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Model's Description:
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