Model's Description:
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 3D Model, Fully textured with UV Mapping and materials.
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
ELVIS Raemian Apartment 1 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Elvis0529 (@junha0529) 3D Model is ready to download for free
with 5 Texture files attached, this model contains 9744 polygons and 5726 vertices.
Model's rating is (3) based on 70 Votes.
Model's Description:
Korean Traditional House : Hanok 3D Model.
Download Korean Traditional House : Hanok in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Korean Traditional House : Hanok - Korean Traditional House : Hanok - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by OldRepublic 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 28666 polygons.
Model's Description:
Spicy Korean Style Chicken 3D Model.
Download Spicy Korean Style Chicken in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
A super messy Saturday so I did a frozen dinner. Not bad.
Thanks for looking, thanks for any like 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 25268 polygons.
Model's Description:
[Game-Ready] Korean Rice Cake Gyeongdan 4 3D Model.
Download [Game-Ready] Korean Rice Cake Gyeongdan 4 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
MERROR is a 3D Content PLATFORM which introduces various Asian assets to the 3D world
#3DScanning #Photogrametry #ME.RROR - [Game-Ready] Korean Rice Cake Gyeongdan 4 - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by ME.RROR Studio (@merror) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 7228 polygons.
Model's Description:
Korean cultural heritage_012_외규장각의궤 3D Model.
Download Korean cultural heritage_012_외규장각의궤 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
유물번호 : 외규218
지정문화재 : -
전시명칭 : 외규장각의궤
국적/시대 : 조선 1787 (정순왕후상호도감의궤) - Korean cultural heritage_012_외규장각의궤 - 3D model by fixgames (@fixgames3D) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 560 polygons.
Model's Description:
Korea National treasure_050 영암 도갑사 해탈문 3D Model.
Download Korea National treasure_050 영암 도갑사 해탈문 in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
Korea National treasure_050 영암 도갑사 해탈문 - Korea National treasure_050 영암 도갑사 해탈문 - 3D model by Dcarrick 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 87866 polygons.
Model's Description:
[Game-Ready] Korean traditional instrument danso 3D Model.
Download [Game-Ready] Korean traditional instrument danso in various files formats such as Wavefront Object format, Autodesk FBX, DirectX 9.0, Stereo Lithography and HTML5 JSON format.
MERROR is a 3D Content PLATFORM which introduces various Asian assets to the 3D world
3DScanning #Photogrametry #ME.RROR - [Game-Ready] Korean traditional instrument danso - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by ME.RROR Studio (@merror) 3D Model is ready to download for free, this model contains 9522 polygons.